Monday, June 11, 2007

The Ad Report:Fall/Winter 2007-2008

Well...I'm finally back in action after an exhausting exam week. And what do you know? A whole slew of ad campaigns have now been released and are ripe for critiquing. Here are some highlights, lowlights, and other notables so far:

Kate Moss for Roberto Cavalli
I don't think this would even merit a second glance if I saw it in a magazine. It's been done a million times before and I can barely distinguish it from Ms. Moss's previous Cavalli campaigns.

Pete Doherty for Roberto Cavalli
I'm not gonna lie...I was kind of looking forward to seeing Pete done up in some gaudy silk-and-furs combo as a nice contrast to his previous stint as muse to Hedi-skinny ties ,skinny jeans, skinny boys-Slimane. I do have a bit of a soft spot for anything this Lindbergh-y, though, so it's a pleasant surprise.
Catherine McNeil for Donna Karan
Very Bond. Very Bianca (Balti, that is). Very blah. Not particularly excited by this as you can probably tell...

Kate Moss for Longchamp
Yes, Kate is once again saturating every fashion magazine around in this season's campaign lineup, though perhaps not to the ridiculous degree we've experienced as of late. Longchamp's images have improved tenfold from last season, and once you get past the fact that they practically are that recent W editorial with Sheila and Lara, I think they make for a gorgeous set.

Now we just have to sit back and wait for the rest to pour in this summer...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the last Kate Moss ads.